Best Ways to Lose Butt Fat

Losing fat from the butt is a common fitness goal. There are many ways a person can achieve this.

There are three major muscles in the butt. These are the gluteus maximus, the gluteus minimus, and the gluteus medius.

While it is not possible to spot-reduce fat loss in one particular area, cutting down on overall body fat while toning the butt muscles can lead to leaner, better-defined buttocks.

In this article, we detail exercises that help people lose fat throughout the body while adding shape to the butt and thigh muscles. We also list other methods that can help people achieve their desired body shape.



Running tones the leg and butt muscles, which gives the thighs and buttocks a more defined shape.

This aerobic activity also improves heart and lung function, and it strengthens the lower body. Also, aside from supportive shoes, it requires no special equipment.

Running is better than walking for fat loss, as it burns more calories. A study found that, over 1,600 meters, people of average fitness burned 372.54 calories while walking and 471.03 calories while running.



Climbing steps is an easy way to tone the glutes while also keeping the heart and lungs healthy.

Step-climbing boosts strength and muscle tone in the butt and upper legs. There are various ways to work these muscles:

  • using stepping machines at a gym
  • walking up flights of stairs
  • hiking uphill
  • using a climbing or bouldering wall

Step-climbing can provide other health benefits, too. A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that even small amounts of stair climbing gave a group of young women noticeable health benefits.

The women climbed stairs at a rate of 90 steps per minute for about two minutes each time. They climbed the stairs once a day, five days a week in the first week of the study. By weeks seven and eight, they climbed the stairs five times a day, five days a week.

That’s still only 10 minutes of exercise per day, but it was enough to make a difference.



Hiking provides benefits similar to stair climbing. Climbing stairs and hiking burn about the same amount of calories if you go the same time at the same relative intensity.

Include hill climbs in your adventure to boost your workout’s impact. Think of every step uphill as one more step toward a slimmer rear.



Rock climbing burns almost twice as many calories as hiking and stair climbing do in the same amount of time. Indoor climbing gyms offer a relatively safe way to learn how to climb.

As a bonus, your mind gets a workout, too. You’ll use problem-solving skills to figure out how to climb each route.



Fast-paced flow or power yoga classes usually include HIIT-like exercise sequences for a portion of each practice.

Look for a yoga class that includes at least 15 or 20 minutes of challenging, linked moves that make you sweat.

Most yoga classes include deeper stretching to improve flexibility and promote relaxation, too.



Squats are a major part of many exercise plans. This is likely due to their ability to work several muscles in the butt, legs, and abdomen at the same time.

One 2009 study, which appeared in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, scientists found that single-leg squats were a good option for activating both the gluteus maximus and the gluteus medius.

If it is not possible to perform one-leg squats, regular squats are also effective.

Another variation is the split-squat, during which a person performs squats with their legs apart. A small-scale 2017 study found that split-squats had the highest impact on the gluteus maximus, compared with deadlifts and good-mornings.



The lunge may seem simple, but it’s an effective move for toning up your rear.

Stand with your feet together. Take a big step back. Bend your front knee to 90 degrees. Drop your back knee down toward the floor. Lift your back heel so you are on the ball of your back foot. Step your back foot forward. Return to your starting position for 1 rep. Repeat on the other side.

You can increase intensity by adding a dumbbell in each hand.




To lose weight, a person must take in fewer calories than the body burns. This is called a calorie deficit. To lose 1 pound, a person needs a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories.

Practicing portion control is a quick way to do this. Research stresses the importance of managing portion sizes to reduce calorie intake and prevent weight gain.

Simple strategies for staying satisfied on a healthful diet include:

  • filling up on fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and lentils
  • eating lean sources of protein, including fish, tofu, and legumes
  • adding a source of beneficial fats to meals, such as olives, nuts, seeds, and avocado
  • avoiding processed foods and takeout meals
  • skipping sugar-filled foods and sodas
  • swapping refined carbohydrates(white bread, white pasta, or white rice) for wholegrain versions (wholegrain bread, brown pasta, or brown rice)
  • drinking a glass of water before meals
  • chewing food slowly



Lack of sleep may negatively affect metabolism and hormone levels in the body. Being tired can also lead to cravings for junk food and fast food.

Together, these effects increase the risk of weight gain and make it more difficult for a person to lose weight.

Break the cycle of poor sleep by establishing a regular nightly routine. Aim to go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning. It is essential to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Some people nod off more easily after taking a warm bath, drinking a cup of chamomile tea, or simply reading a book.



Stress causes the body to release a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol affects metabolism and stimulates cravings for sugar and other refined carbohydrates. This causes fat to build up in the body.

People who experience high levels of stress are more prone to feeling tired, so it can be tempting to order fast food instead of cooking a healthful meal at home. It might also mean that they exercise less. These habits can quickly lead to weight gain.

The following tips can help a person reduce stress levels:

  • getting regular exercise, even if just a daily walk
  • eating a balanced diet
  • practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • breathing deeply
  • trying progressive muscle relaxation
  • spending time in nature
  • evaluating priorities and reducing sources of stress
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