Change Your Diet for Big Butt

If you are trying to get a fuller bigger butt without getting under the knife then you must read this article. Getting a bigger butt is not hard if you know what to eat and what to do.

Squats are great to make your butt look bigger and more toned in a relatively little time but there is more that you can do.

In this article, you will find information about five ways to get huge butt changing your diet.


Focus on High Protein Consumption

Proteins are essential for muscle growth and development, so it is important to eat the right kind of proteins. Protein, in combination with right exercise, will result in a definite increase in butt size.

Potential benefits of a higher protein intake:

  1. High protein diets are beneficial for bone health.A systematic review of randomized trials and cohort studies shows that optimal protein intake is important for lifelong bone health and protein intake at levels above current recommendations appears to prevent bone mass density loss.
  2. High protein meals lead to greater satiety.In comparison to high-fat or high-carbohydrate meals, meals with higher protein content have a higher satiating effect. In other words, protein is the most satiating macronutrient. Greater satiation can lead to a reduction in food consumption, leading to better weight regulation.
  3. Foods high in protein are nutrient-dense.Consider all the high-protein foods you can think of: eggs, skinless chicken breasts, liver, salmon, tuna, seafood, cottage cheese, turkey, beans, legumes, lean beef, and soya nuts. These foods are all incredibly high in beneficial vitamins and minerals, including nutrients, such as preformed vitamin A (retinol), that can’t be found elsewhere.
  4. Improved body composition.A growing number of studies demonstrate that increasing dietary protein intake above current recommendations improves body composition.


Choose the Right Type of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and they are classified in different ways. The most exact way is by chemical structure: Sugars classified as monosaccharides and disaccharides and more complex carbohydrates as polysaccharides or oligosaccharides.

There are three basic types of carbohydrates found in food.



Also called “simple carbohydrates”, these are molecules of simple sugars such as glucose, fructose (fruit sugar), and galactose, which are known as monosaccharides.

When two of these molecules join together, they are called disaccharides. An example of a disaccharide is sucrose—or table sugar—which is made up of molecules of glucose and fructose. Lactose (milk sugar) is another example. Lactose is glucose and galactose joined together.

Simple carbs include the carbs found in table sugar, candy, honey, and syrups; they provide quick energy.



Starches are polysaccharides or “complex carbohydrates”, composed of long chains of glucose. Your body breaks down starches—some more rapidly than others—into glucose to produce energy.

A special starch, called resistant starch, may be especially valuable for weight loss and colon health.

Complex carbohydrates such as legumes, whole grains, starchy vegetables, pasta, and bread provide the body with relatively sustained energy.



Fiber is a carbohydrate found in the cellulose of plant-based foods such as grains, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and legumes. Dietary fiber can be soluble or insoluble and passes through the body without being fully digested. This means that fewer calories are absorbed by the body, although research is ongoing about exactly how many calories different types of fiber contribute.

Fiber is not used for energy by the body and so the grams of fiber are often listed separately under the carbohydrate category on nutrition labels. While dietary fiber is not used for energy, it has a beneficial role in digestion and metabolism.


Choose the Right Type of Fats

Fat is essential for several bodily functions. It is an energy source, and it protects the skeleton and nerves. Fat also makes it possible for other nutrients to do their jobs.

However, not all dietary fats are equally beneficial.


Saturated fats

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are sometimes called solid fats. The basic carbon structure of these fatty acids is “saturated” with hydrogen atoms.

Saturated fat may increase health risks if a person consumes too much over a long period.

A high intake of saturated fat may eventually raise levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the body. This, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people eat no more than 13 grams of saturated fat per day.

Some sources of saturated fat include:

  • animal meats and meat products
  • dairy products, except those that are fat-free
  • processed foods, including baked goods, snack foods, and french fries
  • some vegetable oils, including coconut oil, palm oil, and cocoa butter


Unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, and they mostly derive from plant oils. Healthcare professionals consider these to be “good” fats.

The two main types of unsaturated fat are:

Monounsaturated fats

Monounsaturated fat molecules are not saturated with hydrogen atoms — each fat molecule has bonded with one hydrogen atom.

Monounsaturated fats may lower LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol levels, and maintain healthful levels of “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

However, simply adding monounsaturated fat to the diet will not have this effect, unless a person also reduces their intake of saturated fat.

Sources of monounsaturated fats include:

  • olives and olive oil
  • nuts and nut butters
  • avocados


Polyunsaturated fats

A number of spaces around each polyunsaturated fat molecule are not saturated with hydrogen atoms.

Nutritionists report that polyunsaturated fats are good for health, especially those from fish and algae, known as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 acids could help keep the heart healthy, reduce triglycerides in the blood, and improve brain, joint, and eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids may protect against heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels and, possibly, inflammation.

The other type of polyunsaturated fats are omega-6 fatty acids. These mostly occur in vegetable oils and processed foods. An excessive intake of omega-6 may lead to increased inflammation.

Sources of polyunsaturated fats include:

  • oily fish, such as sardines, mackerel, trout, salmon, and herring
  • safflower, grapeseed, soybean, and sunflower oils
  • nuts, seeds, and pastured eggs


Trans fats

Trans fats are manufactured. They are the product of a process that adds hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid. Another name for trans fats is partially hydrogenated oils. Trans fats are not essential, and they have damaging health effects.

Trans fats raise levels of LDL cholesterol and lower levels of HDL cholesterol. This increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Trans fats became popular when food companies found them easy to use and cheap to produce. They also have a long shelf life and can give food a nice taste.

As trans fats can be used in commercial fryers many times over, they have become common in fast-food chains and other restaurants.

Sources of trans fats can include:

  • fried foods, such as french fries
  • doughnuts, pies, pastries, biscuits, and other baked goods
  • pizza dough, cookies, and crackers
  • stick margarines and shortenings
  • packaged foods
  • fast foods


Stock up on Vegetables

Vegetables are often a neglected part of a muscle building diet. By adding vegetables to every meal you will find your energy levels are more consistent and therefore, you’re able to get a stronger workout by not facing tiredness.

Also consider that vegetables are important in aiding digestion of other valuable nutrients and minerals. Without high absorption of compounds such as amino acids, your gluteus muscle gain will be limited.


Choose the Right Supplements

Multi-vitamins can add an extra dose of energy to help you exercise while protein bars can aid in muscle growth. Collagen supplements make your skin firm and muscles look toned. Always consult a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your diet as their maybe negative side effects depending on your body chemistry.

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