Natural Home Remedies for Cellulite on Thighs & Legs

Many women and even men too are suffering from the skin disorder called cellulite. Cellulite is basically a collection of some fatty dimples that get collected under our skin. They are most prevalent on our bottom and sometimes show up on our thighs, legs, arms, and stomach as well. People who have cellulite can feel tightness or tenderness in these body areas that sometimes may also sag. Women are far more susceptible to cellulite as opposed to men. This is mainly because their bodies are created that way as far as muscles and connective tissues are concerned.

Cellulite is something that is triggered when excessive fats and fluids get ensnared together under your skin and start causing it to prop up. When we eliminate waste from our body, it makes our skin look very nice and shiny.

But when we don’t the fat begins to accumulate underneath our skin and when it is alongside the connective tissues, it starts forcing the skin to bump and this causes cellulite to start forming as well.


If you’re down to try natural home remedies for cellulite, experiment with options that are a little more wallet-friendly.

Coffee with Sugar

One of the popular and useful home remedies for cellulite is coffee scrub, which is applied widely. You will see the clear improvement after you use the coarse coffee grounds to scrub the skin. In addition, it acts as a useful exfoliating agent and helps to remove your dead skin cells, which gives your skin healthy and new cells.

Coffee helps to increase blood circulation and reduce water retention. The effects of coffee on the cellulite area, especially the sagging dimpled skin, are to tighten the skin and make it more beautiful and smooth. It is said that the coffee scrub helps to reject fat and liquid from your skin and also enhances fat metabolism.

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of melting coconut oil, 3 tablespoons of sugar, and 1/4 cup of coffee grounds. Take this mixture and apply it onto your affected skin. Gently rub your cellulite skin with this scrub for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Note: Don’t mix the olive oil with sugar and coffee. First of all, you need to rub the olive oil to the skin; then you massage with other ingredients.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Water

Apple cider vinegar is known as one of the most useful remedies to relieve cellulite because apple cider vinegar contains various minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals will help not only detoxify your body and flush out the toxins but also decrease the water retention from your thighs and stomach, which are the commonly affected areas. As we know, the obesity is one of the main causes leading to cellulite, and apple cider vinegar seems to be an indirectly way helping to remove cellulite pockets by reducing your weight.

Mix 2 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar. Use a little bit of honey if you like. Apply this mixture on your cellulite areas and rub for few minutes. Cover it by using a plastic wrap for an hour. Cover it by using a plastic wrap for an hour. Clean the skin with lukewarm water.

You should repeat this process twice per day till you get relief from cellulite.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Massage Oil

Combine 1 part of massage oil (olive, coconut, sweet almond, jojoba, etc) and 3 parts of apple cider vinegar. Scrub the cellulite areas after applying the mixture on them.

Do this solution twice a day.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Raw Honey

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply this mixture to your cellulite skin.

Do this process twice per day.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey and Water

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Apply it to your problem skin.

Do this solution every morning.


Juniper Oil with Olive Oil

The juniper oil has excellent detoxifying features which can reduce the fluid retention and clear the toxin in your skin, which is very good for you to relieve cellulite.

Mix 15 drops of juniper oil to 1/4 cup of olive oil well. Apply this mixture to affected skin and rub it for about 10-15 minutes. Do this process once per day or twice a day if you are suffering from really bad cellulite.

It is better continue doing this for about a month until you see the improvement.


Seaweed with Essential Oil

Seaweed is not only a very excellent exfoliating agent but also helps to detoxify and flush the ruinous toxin. Therefore, you can relieve cellulite effectively with all these wonderful features of seaweed.

Mix 3 tablespoons of ground seaweed, 1- 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1/4 sea salt, few drops of any essential oil. Use this mixture to gently knead your affected skin for about 10 minutes. Seaweed and salt will make your skin dry, so you can apply a moisturizer cream on your skin, but the essential oils like coconut oil are the better choices because they help to get rid of cellulite and they are eco-friendly.

Do this process per day to get the positive result.

Note: Do this solution before you have a bath. Just have a bath after massaging.


Green Clay with Lemon Juice, Honey and Seaweed

As we know, mud therapies are used popularly for various medical conditions. In the list of home remedies for cellulite, green clay is an excellent ingredient too. The absorbing properties of green clay can help to absorb the dead skin cells and impurities out of your skin. This ingredient also stimulates the blood and the lymph circulation, so it is very important to prevent and remove the accumulation of fat beneath your skin, which may give an increase of cellulite. Green clay that acts as a wonderful exfoliating agent is a very useful remedy for cellulite removal.

Combine 1/2 cup of green clay, 1/4 glass of fresh lemon juice, 1/2 cup of seaweed, 3 tablespoons of hot water, and 1 tablespoon of honey to create a fine paste. Massage your cellulite area with this mixture for about 10 minutes. Cover it by using a plastic wrap. Leave it like that for about 30 minutes. Wash off your skin with lukewarm water.

Do this remedy once a week to get fast relief from cellulite.


Tangerine Essential Oil with Olive Oil

This oil can stimulate the blood circulation which prevents lymphatic and fat from accumulating under the skin. It also helps to reduce the formation of cellulite by breaking down fat in your body. Therefore, you should try applying this remedy in order to get rid of cellulite quickly.

Dilute 4-5 drops of tangerine oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil well. Gently massage this mixture on the cellulite skin for 10-15 minutes.

Repeat this solution twice per day.

Note: After applying this mixture to your cellulite skin, you had not better go in the sun because your skin may be photosensitive.


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is well known home remedy for its quality to burn fat when taken in meals. It has the natural ability to heat up the body, increase blood circulation and boost metabolism.

And, it also helps in getting rid of dead skin cells and toxins from the body when taken in appropriate quantities and help I getting rid of cellulite from thighs. But make sure that you do not eat Cayenne pepper in excess as it is harmful for the body when taken more than the required quantities.

Mix 1 tablespoon of Cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon of ginger, and juice of one lemon. Add this mixture to a glass of warm water and mix it in water.

Drink this mixture for 2 times in a day to get rid of cellulite faster.



 Gelatin includes the proline, acids, and glycine. These components are found in fibrous tissues, bone, and organs of animals. The gelatin affects positively on the health of the skin, hair and nails growth, immune function, & weight management. The foods with gelatin also help you get rid of cellulite.

Gelatin promotes good digestion by improving the easy transfer of food in your digestive system. You have better digestion, you have lesser fat accumulation.

Gelatin which is one of the good home remedies for cellulite is a rich source of protein; its amino acids help develop muscle. It means that you will consume more energy and reduce fat accumulation in your body.

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